Ecological Conservation Section
- Volunteer workers for wildlife reservations and ecological conservation
- Enforcing prohibitions and slope reports as well as reviews and supervision of soil and water conservation plans.
- Ecological restoration and terrestrial soil and rock sampling of Keya Water Resources Recycling Center.
- Wildlife conservation and zoos.
- Counseling services for over limit usage of rare trees, green resources, and mountain slopes.
Departmental chief: Chen, Lien-Chieh
1 departmental staff
1 senior technician
1 assistant technician
1 temporary staff
1 contractual staff
2 patrol officers
TEL: (03)5216121 ext. 401 Departmental Chief Chen, Lien-Chieh
401 Hou, Jen-Chieh
480 Hsu, Pei-Wen
480 Chen, Hsiu-Nu
480 Wen, Chin-Man
530 Wang, Li-Chung
Helpline: (03)5242070
FAX: (03)5242070
Visited:2550 Update:2022-08-26